Every girl aims to look her best at pageants, whether she’s competing in swimsuit or evening gown competitions. Selecting appropriate footwear can help her walk gracefully down the runway.

However, be careful when selecting high heels for pageant for your little princess – even small block heels should accentuate her outfit enough to draw notice from judges.

Fancy Heels for Ages Up to 12

If you have a little girl competing in beauty pageants up to 12 years old, she must have comfortable yet eye-catching heels that complement her attire. It looks like the princess on stage.

There is a wide variety of great shoes designed specifically for this age group, from closed-toed with low heels to those featuring fur, crystals or bows as an embellishment on top. Heels come in different colours so they can match whatever dress she’s wearing.

Most pageant shoes will work just as well for interviews as pageants; however, for optimal performance, it’s wise to opt for ones in neutral tones so as not to detract from an interview outfit. Charleen by Johnathan Kayne or Zelia by Nina are perfect choices; both provide nude hues with some shine as well as small heel heights suitable for fast modelling.

Fancy Heels for Ages 12 & Over

Girls of this age range should ensure their heels do not reach too far; otherwise, they risk looking like a giraffe! Furthermore, excessive glitter or rhinestones should be reserved for the Fun Fashion segment of pageantry.

Nude shoes are ideal for this age group as they go with any colour dress. Girls often pair them with knee-high socks to keep their shoes clean and add a pop of style. When it comes to high heels for pageant for this age group, Sunday’s Best, Zelia or Charleen styles from the Nina brand offer small embellishments with low heel heights; perfect pageant shoes!

At this stage of a pageant, it’s all about showing your individuality and style. Wearing distinctive footwear is an effective way of doing so, while having a French tip pedicure and manicure will always look fashionable and complement your outfit.

Natural Beauty

Girls of this age have some flexibility when selecting their pageant shoes; however, the style must complement the dress without being overly flashy. Preteen girls should opt for block heels such as those offered by Chinese Laundry, such as Tippy Top or Suntan, that will provide enough height without becoming unsafe while walking gracefully across the stage.

Pageant coaches are great resources to turn to when navigating this phase of the competition, offering contestants tips for walking in heels and practising them prior to pageants. Girls may also use shoe treads or sandpaper to take some of the slipperiness away from their soles to make them more secure.


Younger contestants may get away with wearing Keds or sneakers for the interview portion of a pageant, where judges pose questions about your interests and personality; your outfit and shoes should communicate that you are a woman with a unique style.

If you want to impress judges in an interview, strive to strike a balance between being trendy and professional at once. That means not wearing 6-inch heels that would never make an everyday walk possible; if unsure which heel height will work best for you, seek advice from your pageant coach; they can guide you towards finding what will look best without pushing too far into unfamiliar territory.

Choosing heels for pageant shoes is not always easy, but with some patience and practice, every girl can walk gracefully in a pair of stylish shoes. It is important to take the time to break in a new pair of shoes so that there will be no blisters on pageant day and that they will feel comfortable and supported throughout the night. With the help of a pageant coach and a great pair of shoes, any girl can look like a princess for her big moment on stage.